If you are debating whether or not to come see me speak at PubCon South this year in New Orleans, hopefully this sweet 20% off coupon will help convince you. Just checkout with a Gold or Platinum pass using the offer code rc-9556420.
PubCon was always my goto event when I started in search marketing years ago… it is just so easy to develop new ideas, learn from others mistakes, and take home several new additions to your SEO toolkit. I think this is becoming even more important for in-house SEOs over the past year or two as Google has made many significant changes to the their algorithm and its always a great to hear all the ideas and theories about what strategies will continue to work, and what the next big “wave” will be. I’m proud to have developed my expertise to now be a speaker at PubCon, and I hope you will join me in NOLA!

Disclaimer: I believe I do get some type of referral fee if you use my coupon code…. though this has no impact on my opinion that PubCon is always awesome!